Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med PR- og kommunikationsbranchen? Kan du skrive, og er du dygtig og detaljefokuseret? Har du viden om og interesse for sociale medier? Hvis du kan svare ja til det hele, er det dig, vi skal bruge! Vi søger 1-2...
Er det dig, der skal træde til, når din virksomhed kommer i stormvejr i medierne? Og kender du til den rette tilgang til krisehåndtering?En krise, der rammer en uforberedt organisation eller virksomhed, kan være enormt skadelig. Derfor handler det om at lægge en plan...
Cillian Murphy has a Bachelor’s degree from the Danish School of Media and Journalism and extensive experience within the culture field, where he has been a frequent contributor for Gaffa and Bold for a number of years.On top of that, he has broad experience in PR and...
If you took some time off last week – WELCOME BACK and don’t worry – we’ve been here the whole time ✨While some have enjoyed a winter break on the slopes, by the pool, or museum hopping in the big city, we have spent the past week cleaning up our...
For the past six months, Rebecca Cohen Gamba has been a part of the Think PR team, and let’s just say – we don’t know what we’d do without her!Among other things, Rebecca keeps a sharp eye on the media landscape, ensuring our clients stay ahead of the curve with media...