We are excited to welcome Sofie Victoria Pallisgaard to Think PR! 🙌 Sofie is studying communication at the Danish School of Media and Journalism and is ready to take the next step in the PR world with us.Over the next six months, Sofie will work as a Junior PR...
TAK til alle jer der kiggede forbi vores morgenmøde om storytelling i går. Vi delte indsigter om både reklame, film og PR og besvarede gode spørgsmål.Vil du vide mere, så står vi alle til rådighed. Du kan finde os her: Cris Hödar-Rasmussen og Jesper Haugaard fra By...
Nobody Cares! Brutal, right? But it’s true. Nobody cares about your new product, your rebrand, or even your latest film that took six months and a small country’s GDP to produce.Why? Because everyone’s too busy caring about themselves. Their jobs. Their kids. The...
Martin Sommer delte på LinkedIn, da han blev forladt. Det udvidede hans netværk enormt, både fagligt og personligt, og han er fortaler for, at man skal være personlig på LinkedIn. Men hvordan finder vi balancen så LinkedIn ikke bare bliver en anden udgave af Instagram...
If in doubt, read the piece by Cris Hödar-Rasmussen from By the Fire and our own Karin Nørgaard in Finans on how to become (or not become!) a thought leader.Do you want it translated into English or to know more? Just let us know!