A guide to hosting a successful media event In the realm of Public Relations, the press conference stands as a powerful tool for disseminating information, building relationships, and managing public perception. However, hosting a successful press conference is an art...
Første afsnit af “Think About It” er ude nu! 🌱Endelig er allerførste afsnit af vores podcast ”Think About It” ude, og vi har glædet os for vildt til at præsentere det for jer. Vi dykker nemlig ned i et emne, vi selv synes er både vigtigt og spændende i...
Vi kan nu endelig afsløre, at det projekt, vi hos Think PR har arbejdet på de seneste måneder, er vores helt egen podcast, ”Think About It”, som de fleste af jer måske havde regnet ud! 😍 ”Think About It” er en podcast om kommunikation og PR, hvori vil vi dykke ned i...
Written by Rie Reinholdt, PR Intern at Think PR What to expect when entering the world of PR? Working as an intern at a PR agency is an exciting and dynamic experience, offering a unique glimpse into the world of public relations. In this blog post, we’ll delve into...
In a world where attention is scarce, PR agencies are constantly looking for innovative ways to reach their target audiences. One platform has been making waves in the PR industry and has quickly become the secret ingredient in the arsenal of every successful agency:...