New and significantly tightened requirements from the EU mean that even smaller companies must document their sustainability with far more detail – and you’d better get started. Companies are measured by sustainability – we know it, and it will only grow. On whether...
Thought leadership is a massive buzz word, but that doesn’t mean everyone should jump on board. Perspective is good. It is in the crossroads of opinions that new ideas arise and focus is sharpened. But the less strong the stands are, the less interesting they...
To us, each client relationship is essential—even the difficult ones. Our goal is always to find common ground and solutions to issues that might evolve. We like to cherish every single client we’ve worked hard to get. And we almost always do. But there’s that...
Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med PR- og kommunikationsbranchen? Kan du skrive, og er du dygtig og detaljefokuseret? Har du en bred viden om og interesse for sociale medier? Vil du være vores nye kollega? Hvis du kan svare ja til det hele, er det dig, vi skal...
Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med PR- og kommunikationsbranchen? Kan du skrive, og er du dygtig og detaljefokuseret? Har du en bred viden om og interesse for sociale medier? Hvis du kan svare ja til det hele, er det dig, vi skal bruge! Vi søger 1-2...