We are busy, and we love it! But our calendars are entirely packed all week. Running from one meeting to another is not suitable for our mental health, and we have decided to do something about it. From now on, Fridays are an opportunity to knock out our most...
Er du vores nye rådgiver? Vi er på udkig efter en ny kollega, som har min. 3-5 års solid erfaring som kommunikations- eller PR-konsulent – helst fra et bureau, men ellers fra en virksomhed eller en organisation. Vi forventer at du: Har en relevant uddannelse...
At this special time of year, we give thanks to clients like you who have made our jobs easier and our lives more fulfilling ????. Some of you have been with us for the last 10 years, some of you joined us this year. We are grateful to all of you. Throughout the year,...
Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med PR- og kommunikationsbranchen? Kan du skrive, og er du dygtig og detaljefokuseret? Har du en bred viden om og interesse for sociale medier? Hvis du kan svare ja til det hele, er det dig, vi skal bruge! Vi søger 1-2...
With the growing presence of IT as companies turn digital, technical debt has during the later years emerged as a massive problem for said businesses, who are already lacking a sufficient workforce, as the number of IT developers are decreasing despite a significant...