If 2020 was the year that changed the world, 2021 is the year the world adapted to its new reality. Like everybody else, the PR industry faced huge challenges as a result of the pandemic: live events were cancelled left, right and centre, and marketing strategies were...
Good PR can make or break your brand, and set you apart from the competition. When done well, it can provide priceless credibility and boost your reputation in a way traditional advertising simply can’t. That’s why it’s important to take the time to choose the right...
In an ideal world, your company would receive nothing but wall-to-wall praise, glorious reviews, and critical acclaim. But the reality is that even the best brands receive negative press from time to time, from bad reviews to executive scandals. Mistakes happen, and...
Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med PR- og kommunikationsbranchen? Kan du skrive, og er du dygtig og detaljefokuseret? Har du en bred viden om- og interesse for sociale medier? Hvis du kan svare ja til det hele, er det dig, vi mangler! Vi søger en studentermedhjælper...
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a group of PR specialists sat down for a Zoom meeting. They had been hired by the local fire-breathing dragon, who was struggling to convince villagers of the benefits of FireBreath, his new and sustainable approach to home...