Something to think about.
The Think blog provides industry insight, news, PR and Social Media tips. Sometimes we might just make it about us.
Staying ahead in the game of PR involves adopting innovative communication channels and one such powerful avenue is podcasting. As audio content ...
I denne uges afsnit af 'Think About It' har vi inviteret seniorforsker fra DTU, Kasper Edwards, i studiet. Kasper har blandt andet skrevet ph.d. ...
In recent years AI is emerging as a transformative force, that changes the way we work with PR and communication. As technology continues to ...
A guide to hosting a successful media event
In the realm of Public Relations, the press conference stands as a powerful tool for ...
Hvad har H&M, Danske Bank og Tivoli Friheden tilfælles? De har alle stået i en situation, hvor de har haft brug for krisekommunikation. ...
Within influencer marketing, brands establish strategic partnerships with individuals who enjoy significant popularity on social media ...